Call of duty 3 xbox 360
Call of duty 3 xbox 360

call of duty 3 xbox 360

You'll battle across war-torn areas of New York City, London, Paris, Mogadishu, Dubai, and other regions as you prepare to end the global threat once and for all.Īs with previous entries in the Call of Duty series, Modern Warfare 3's campaign features a heavily scripted, cinematic experience with Hollywood-style special effects. The single-player campaign has you battling Russian ultranationalists, led by Vladimir Markov, as members of the U.S. and British soil in a storyline that picks up where 2009's Modern Warfare 2 left off. Players must deal with the fallout from the devastating attacks on U.S.

  • Activision Blizzard's top-selling first-person shooter franchise marches on with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • call of duty 3 xbox 360

    The game's wide range of vehicles include tanks, jeeps and motorcycles with sidecars. Multiple-occupancy vehicles let you coordinate attacks with friends, driving while they fire a mounted machine gun from the turret. Up to 24 players can battle it out as a variety of player classes, including riflemen, infantry, scouts and others.

  • TEAM-BASED MULTIPLAYER WITH VEHICLES: Intense multiplayer functionality has been built from the ground up.
  • Drive tanks to topple barricades and invade enemy emplacements. Riddle battlefields with tank shells and explosives.
  • UNPRECEDENTED COMBAT OPTIONS: Execute parachute drops, armoured assaults or SAS commando raids.
  • Each choice you make requires you to use special tactics, from sniping and demolition to straight out frontal assaults.


    Next-generation level design provides multiple attack routes that let you decide how to confront the enemy. CHOOSE YOUR PATH TO VICTORY: Flank your opponent, or hit him head on.But watch out-they can eliminate your protection as well. NOWHERE TO HIDE: Environmental physics let you destroy enemies’ soft cover hideouts, such as wooden walls, barrels and crates-forcing your foes out in the open.Fight hand-to-hand, disarm traps, improvise explosive devices and execute a host of other battlefield challenges that require cunning and swift reflexes.

    call of duty 3 xbox 360

    ALL-NEW CLOSE-QUARTERS COMBAT: In a new feature for the Call of Duty series, close-quarters battle mechanics bring you face-to-face with your enemy.And in online multiplayer battles of up to 24 players, gamers battle it out as a variety of player classes, including riflemen, infantry, scouts and others. In Call of Duty 3, new close-quarters battle mechanics bring you face-to-face with your enemy. Through the eyes of four Allied soldiers, Call of Duty 3 brings players closer than ever to the fury of combat as they fight through the Normandy Breakout, the harrowing offensive that liberated Paris and changed the fate of the world. The latest edition of the now-classic World War II shooter franchise may lack polish, but it delivers on thrills and solid multiplayer action.

    Call of duty 3 xbox 360